Free Clinic, Health Fairs, and COVID Events
Free Clinic of Florida
Free Clinic of Florida is our free medical clinic that helps the uninsured. Clients become patients and get the medical care that they need. The clinic operates out of our Kissimmee office but has also set up mobile clinics at many of our community events. Dr. Jamaleddine is a great resource for our community to have access to.
Mercy Foundation has created an account at a local pharmacy so patients can go there to receive their prescriptions at no cost.

Health Fairs
Health Fairs make dependable healthcare more accessible to members of our community who are underserved and uninsured. They may get to speak with a physician, become more educated on issues they are having, as well as obtain information from some of our great sponsors.
COVID Vaccination and Testing Events
Mercy Foundation partnered with Osceola Community Health Services to bring COVID Vaccinations and Testing to underserved communities in Osceola County. With their mobile unit set up the foundation was able to host a drive thru event. Many people were tested, and many were vaccinated. During difficult times like these, it is important for these communities to know that there are people out there willing to help, willing to go the extra mile to make sure they are safe and healthy.
Mental Health Conversations
One way we can help the community be healthy is by teaching them about mental health and why it is necessary to normalize asking for assistance when needed. COVID has affected our community in so many ways and mental health issues are coming to the forefront. Mercy Foundation hopes to help people understand the importance of taking care of your mind, just as you would your physical body.
How to get involved
Please sign up to volunteer please email:
How to receive assistance
If you are in need of immediate medical assistance please dial 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
If you would like to receive non-urgent medical care please reach out to Dr. Jamaleddine and he will be in contact to see how Mercy Foundation and Free Clinic of Florida can help you.
How to make a donation
If you would like to assist Mercy Foundation in its mission, you can click here for online donations or you may contact Amanda to arrange receipt of your donation.